Wellness Tai chi

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Wellness Tai Chi

Gateway to Internal Treasures™

Body Transformation Program

Who Else doesnt want to be ...
On medication for Diabetes/ High BP ?
Feeling Tired in the afternoons?
Signs of Premature Aging? - low energy, sagging skin, dropping hair?

Fitness Body Transformation Program

Baby boomers who otherwise have had a good life are now encountering problems that aging and lack of nutrition care in their earlier years. They may have done exercises but stress, late nights, alcohol abuse or other factors may have robbed them of their well being.

Our fitness Body Transformation Program is designed to help regain your energy to that experienced in your youth, and delay going into taking any hospital drugs and medications with all its associated side effects. Re-Sculpture your body.

Our Program consists simply of:

  1. Products: To boost your immune system, energise your body, help cell repair
  2. Exercise: Easy exercise, tailor made to suit you by our expert Coach
  3. Intelligent Diet Selection: Proper choice of food - to suit as close to your present diet as possible
  4. Coach: Experienced coach of 30 years in the area of health and nutrition.


Age Reversal / Disease Reversal


Sample of Simple exercises (Beginners level - Exercise ON your chair)

Sample Exercises to activate your program