To stay productive and resilient in ou modern, stress filled lives, learn to switch OFF when you take your rest.
Do you ever feel you are always turned "on". Are you thinking constantly - about either your job, or your family or the certain project? Would you like to know where that off switch is, so that you can take a break and come back refreshed and recharged?
Mindfulness training is taking back that external focus and turn it around and focus internally, and to be present to the moments of Now.
Unique 3 hour workshop are led by Master E.K Yeap.
Learn mindfulness with Standing Postures, Breathing and with Movements.
After the sessions, the aim is to:
- Be Calmer, Less stressed,
- Feel Good
- Feel Recharged
- Re-energized
- Focused
- Enhanced Problem solving
- Thinking Big Picture
- Leading to Inspired actions
- Don't think with your head (only), think with your whole body
E.K Yeap
Mater Yeap studied and teaches advanced Mindfulness training such as Ananpana and Vipassana Meditation in Australia in 1980 and later again in Malaysia in the late 1990's. He also teaches Tai chi to corporate classes and workshops for wellness.
He is the author of the book Master-Key to Wellness and Energy, and has appeared on TV2, TV3 several times.
Contact us for more information.