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Cheng Man Cheng - latter years 37 step Tai chi chuan : The emphasis on single weighting on the front foot

By Eit K Yeap

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The Cheng man ching 鄭曼青 37 steps that he taught to Wu Kuo Chung (吳 國 忠) and transmitted to Koh Ah Tee. This article is about the teachings that are unique in this form.

Most Tai chi forms emphasise the need to deferentiate the solid and the empty. For beginners, the back leg - that is when the back foot is solid and fully bearing the weight of the body, the front foot is empty (light). The body weight is firmly rooted in the back stance. Examples - play the pei pa, fist under elbow etc. The practioner must be able to demonstrate that the front foot is empty - by being able to lightly lift it up, without disturbing the rest of the body equilibrium. Most Tai chi forms require this, for example the Wu Style and the Yang styles.

In contrast latter CMC form, the front leg must similarly be rooted when the full body weight sitting on it; and the back leg should be empty (yin). To demonstrate this - you must be able to lift the back leg off the ground... without disturbing the body balance and center of gravity. Example - in single whip, brush knee step.

This is one drastic and important difference between the Yang, Wu styles with the Cheng later year style.

single whip cmc single whip  
Traditional 80-20 weighting
Left leg is Solid: 80%,
Right leg is Empty:20%
CMC Earlier years - 80-20 weighting
Left leg is Solid:80%,
Right leg is Empty:20%
single whip an  
Master Yeap demonstrating CMC Latter
years form (with- 90-10 weighting)
Left leg is Solid:90%,
Right leg is Empty:10%

Grasp Bird's tail, an.

Left leg is Empty:10%,
Right leg is Solid:90%

deflect parry    
Deflect, Parry and punch
Single 90-10 weighting






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